40428 - Alan Spence

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

EditGrid v Excel

Accounting Information Systems [40428]

Weblog 2

Compare Excel and EditGrid in terms of desktop app v web app, and from the perspective of an accounting user.

Word Count; 703 [Excluding Headings and Bibliography]

Spreadsheets are a primary tool for any business. It is upon this attribute that the Microsoft Corporation has capitalised fully.

Developments instigated by “Web 2.0” are having detrimental effects on the existing reign of the desktop-based application, such as Excel. The dominance of this package is under serious threat from many different contenders; EditGrid, Google Spreadsheets, Zoho Sheet.

“It seems as if the era of Web-based software is upon us.” [Wildstrom, 2006]

While this technology is very much in its infancy, commercial users are reluctant to become dependant upon it, yet.

“The technology supporting them is relatively new, and they have yet to struggle with managing a heavy user load. Their longevity is questionable, especially since they have unknown financial models for long-term support.” [Greg, 2006]

Many of these packages are offered free of charge, this in stark comparison to the ‘measly’ £298.97 for the Microsoft equivalent. This option becomes decidedly more attractive to the personal or small business user on a budget. Whilst insignificantly compromising on the product features, but hey, where you ever really going to use the “HYPGEOMDIST” function in Excel?

It is true that the web-based competitor (EditGrid) still lags behind the likes of Excel in this area, but for the most part, other than highly specialised calculations, it is more than adequate. The interface is also familiar, suspiciously so, for those who have experience in operating Excel.

The web system is far less streamlined and involves communication with servers, so is bound to be less than instantaneous. I experimented with EditGrid to test out this concern and found that delays, if any, were immaterial and did not detract from the utility of the package. Internet speeds are also bound to advance over time, rendering this problem less applicable.

The most remarkable advantage of the web-hosted product it the collaborative facility, where remote colleagues can simultaneously work on the same document. Where previously this was only partially possible via email, which was very cumbersome!

“Communications technology has shrunk the globe so that people no longer have to be in the same location, or even in the same country, to work effectively as a team.” [Gordon, 2005]

Evolution of such features offers up great potential for the business user; no longer constrained by their physical departments. Auditors who may spend much of their time travelling between clients may find it inconvenient to gain assurance from the office. Using EditGrid findings can be proofread and edited by whoever is invited to participate.

That said the principle drawback with the new system is security, although continual advances are being achieved in the safeguarding of information. The fact remains that the physical copy of the file is not saved directly on to your hard drive. Therefore may not be a viable means to publish confidential or highly sensitive data.

“Of the 2,249 new software vulnerabilities documented by Symantec during the six-month period -- the highest number it has recorded -- 69% were in Web applications.” [Richmond, 2006]

For the time being is hard to imagine any dramatic migration from the conventional computer based system. However, I feel that it is a real innovation for the near future. As the server performs much of the processing, the desktop becomes resigned to more of a viewing platform, potentially allowing its physical characteristics to be modified to accommodate this new role. Which the mobile phone is almost sufficiently sophisticated to endorse.

A revert back almost like the outdated mainframe set up where the computing function was carried out centrally and each party has a terminal from which to operate from. This has many implications for the travelling professional, lightening the load is it were.

Form the host companies it may save significant expenditure purchasing, upgrading and maintaining highly depreciating assets. Holding thousands of computers is a security threat in itself. Not only are they a potential target for a thief they may also contain venerable information, prevalent to the owner, clients and suppliers. If this were held internally, access restriction may be easier to enforce.

Currently the relative costs and benefits of each is in near equilibrium, I do not predict it will be long before this balance of power is markedly shifted.

Good Luck Microsoft!


  • The Phone of the Future: Wired To Run Your Life, Tricia Duryee; Seattle Times technology reporter

  • http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/202-6702147-0247067?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=microsoft+office&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go


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